Below is the list of all grants that the Mind & Life Institute has funded to date.

Mind & Life Awarded Grants


Contemplative Changemaking Grants

Meditation as a Path to Peaceful Living

Contemplative Changemaking Grants

Mind the Conflict in Hura’s Bedouin Community

Contemplative Changemaking Grants

The Black Child Flourishing Project

Demond Hill Jr.

Contemplative Changemaking Grants

Mindfulness Practices for Indigenous Youth

Contemplative Changemaking Grants

United with Uvalde

Aproteem Choudhury

Contemplative Changemaking Grants

Intimate Landscapes

Alejandra Grisales


Think Tanks

Contemplative Environmental Mentoring Communities

Paul Wapner, Julie Tato, Matias Franchini, Matthew Hoffmann, Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue

Topics: Education | Environment | Stress & Resilience

Think Tanks

Contemplative Practices for Well-being of Low-income Children and Teachers in India

Nirmal Govindaraju, Ananya Tiwari, Jyothi Ravichandran, Prachi Khandeparkar, Sai Sudha Ramakrishnan

Topics: Compassion & Empathy | Education | Stress & Resilience

Think Tanks

Resistance through Resilience: A Compassionate Approach to Interrupting Privilege

Megan Kennedy, Ralina Joseph, Jas Moultrie, Bonnie Duran, LaNesha DeBardelaben

Topics: Mindfulness | Self & Other | Social Change

Think Tanks

Community Suicide Prevention Project for Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Romuald Adili Amani, Patricia Luck, Michael Krasner, Papy Lukeka, Marlin Bisimwa

Topics: Mental Health | Mindfulness | Stress & Resilience


Think Tanks

Youth4Peace Mindfulness

Mridul Upadhyay, Romeral Ortiz Quintilla, Saumya Aggarwal, Bhargavi Raman, Paula Ramírez

Topics: Interconnection | Mental Health | Mindfulness | Self & Other


Think Tanks

Wise Climate Actions & Sacred Activism

Vivian Valentin, Radhule Weininger, Michael Kearney, John Foran, Kevin M Gallagher

Topics: Compassion & Empathy | Environment | Interconnection | Social Change