For two decades, the Francisco J. Varela Research Grants have supported the rigorous examination of contemplative practices and how these can be applied to reduce suffering and promote flourishing. Cumulatively, 217 Varela Grants totalling $3.3 million have been awarded to researchers in 14 countries. Learn more about the impact of this path-breaking program.

In an essay for our multimedia website, Insights, Mind & Life Board Chair Thupten Jinpa explores how the two investigative traditions converge to better understand the human mind and its potential. Read and learn more on Insights.

Earlier this year, over 60 researchers, scholars, contemplatives, and Mind & Life community members gathered to imagine the the future of contemplative research. Read more about the questions posed and initial reflections from researcher and participant Erin McCarthy on the Mind & Life blog.

What does real dialogue look and feel like? And how could it help expand possibilities for deeper understanding at a time of growing complexity—and mounting divides? The Mind & Life Digital Library explores these questions and more through recorded conversations and dialogues featuring the Dalai Lama with leading scientists, scholars, and contemplatives.

Your generosity enables us to provide the vital resources and opportunities—that aren’t available elsewhere—to foster rigorous research and to educate, support, and inspire the most innovative thinkers and doers in the field. This is a moment of great opportunity to make an impact.

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