A trauma & context-sensitive mindfulness program for peacebuilding and reconciliation (of TS-MBSR category) will gather 16 young peacebuilders, from India, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, working with communities affected by diverse forms of violence such as victims of war or armed conflict, refugees, internally displaced persons, or migrants; with the aim to discuss, reflect, share, practice and systematize mindfulness sensitive to trauma and reconciliation for youth. This program will enhance their philosophical understanding and support them with the evidence-based application. The program will review aspects related to personal development practice, self-awareness, mental health, and human connection for peace and reconciliation led by youth. One of the key deliverables will be the development of a practical handbook for mindfulness practice sensitive to trauma and reconciliation interventions led by youth aiming at multiplying, incorporating, and replicating the practice within the participant’s current peacebuilding work. The insights will be further disseminated through an awareness campaign.