Community Suicide Prevention Project for Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

The DRC in general and the city of Goma in particular, with a majority population that is poor and unemployed, is caught in endless cycles of wars, and the calamity of armed conflicts. This constant exposure to trauma predisposes many to severe psychological distress. Given this level of trauma exposure we expect higher rates of …

Mindfulness, Co-benefits, and Behavioral Eco-Wellness

The field of behavioral eco-wellness investigates the choices, behaviors, and habits that contribute to both personal health and environmental sustainability. Eco-wellness can be defined as “living life to maximize health, happiness, and environmental sustainability.”  Fortunately, many of the same behaviors that bring mental and physical health also support ecological health (co-benefits). For example, walking or …

Plenary Panel: “Starting from Experience: Neurophenomenology and the Vision of Mind and Life Europe”

Research on contemplative practices and their larger context can take various pathways, but as a methodology, one key method is neurophenomenology, an approach that fully acknowledges the mutual importance of an account of experience from within experience, along with measures, such as behavioral data and brain imaging, that purport to stand outside experience.  Developed especially …

Keynote and Q&A: “Understanding Human Thought Through Dynamic Brain Systems”

Mind-wandering has recently come to occupy a central position in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Most theories and research so far have examined it in terms of task-unrelated or stimulus-independent mental contents that occur at particular moments of time. A defining feature of mind-wandering, however, are its dynamics: how thought moves over time. In this talk, …