Contemplative Practices for Well-being of Low-income Children and Teachers in India

The ongoing humanitarian crisis in India is aggravating economic and social disparities. Majority of Indian children from low-income backgrounds have been deprived education, face an uncertain future, with stress and emotional trauma. Therefore, there is an urgent need for teachers, schools and communities to be equipped with field-tested approaches to address the emotional well-being of …

Community Suicide Prevention Project for Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

The DRC in general and the city of Goma in particular, with a majority population that is poor and unemployed, is caught in endless cycles of wars, and the calamity of armed conflicts. This constant exposure to trauma predisposes many to severe psychological distress. Given this level of trauma exposure we expect higher rates of …

Science & Wisdom of Emotions Summit

Co-hosted with The Awake Network, the Science & Wisdom of Emotion Summit explored the research and insights catalyzed 20 years ago by the Mind & Life Destructive Emotions Dialogue with the Dalai Lama,

Roshi Joan Halifax – Integrity & Moral Suffering in Relation to the Climate Catastrophe and Health

“Integrity and Moral Suffering in Relation to the Climate Catastrophe and Health” with Roshi Joan Halifax. Roshi Joan will speak to some of the psychosocial effects of climate change and the role of moral suffering and integrity as we address health issues related to the climate catastrophe. She will briefly explore four valences of moral …

Integrity and Moral Suffering in Relation to the Climate Catastrophe and Health

Roshi Joan will speak to some of the psychosocial effects of climate change and the role of moral suffering and integrity as we address health issues related to the climate catastrophe. She will briefly explore four valences of moral suffering, and then unfold some of the deep health issues related to our climate catastrophe. She …

Film & Panel: “Storytelling, Science, and Hope: Climate Feedback Loops Film & Panel”

It is no longer an enigma that climate change is drastically and detrimentally changing our world; glaciers are shrinking, sea levels are rising and our fellow beings are struggling to survive. How do we maintain hope in the face of such enormous, seemingly unfathomable adversity? What role do the stories we tell and the compassion …