Pre-Conference Workshop – To Be or Not to Be…That is the Answer: Empowering Underserved Parents to Be Present for Their Children at Home, School, and as a Community Change Agent

The true heart of parenting extends from doing right for one’s own child to looking out for the best interests of all children. It involves understanding what that means and recognizing that the world is not always receptive. This can often be confusing and frustrating for parents. This discussion will emphasize our collective experiences in …

A Question of Focus

Meditators often feel that their practice aids concentration. But do these subjective reports pan out in daily life?

Concurrent Session 4 – Teaching Mindfulness-Based Training in High-Stress Contexts

This presentation will present research about Mindfulness-Based Mind FitnessTraining (MMFT®) within the context of modifying mindfulness-based training for environments characterized by extreme or prolonged stress and deployment to combat and others in highstress occupations, it will examine how mindfulness training can be integrated with an understanding of the role of the autonomic nervous system in …

Ommm Ex Machina

How does the game change if we get a computer to meditate? Cognitive scientist Marieke van Vugt wants to find out.

Model Behavior

A new study asks: Does meditation make us more compassionate?