Mind & Life Connect – Session 1

Session 1 transcript now available Community Conversations on Contemplative Science, Wisdom, and Action Join us for Mind & Life Connect, our new series of inspirational online conversations aimed at exploring key themes in contemplative science and their relation to everyday life. In our inaugural session, contemplative researcher and social activist Juan Santoyo will explore topics such …

Contemplative Researchers Seek to Leverage Power of Technology for Well-being

A familiar scene for many: It’s the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and we’re missing social lunches and coffee dates. Connection is lacking and we’re confined to our homes for work, play, rest, and everything in between. In this reality, online tools like Zoom and social media skyrocketed as a resource for maintaining relationships and …

Leading Researchers Dialogue with the Dalai Lama on the Challenge of Rising to Our Better Selves at a Time of Division and Uncertainty

Mind & Life periodically invites guest writers to contribute their perspectives and experiences on the blog as a way of deepening dialogue and understanding around key themes related to our mission. “We live through our mind and mental experiences, and to live well in this world is to have peace of mind,” said His Holiness …

“The Time for the Lone Wolf is Over:” Coming Together and Facing Eco-Anxiety

Wildfires, alongside major droughts, storms, and sea level rise, are among the most tangible impacts of global climate change. But not all consequences of the climate crisis leave such a visible scar; the stresses of today’s environmental crises have worked their way into our communities, relationships, and mental well-being. Especially impacted are young people, with …

On the Path to Belonging at the 2022 Summer Research Institute

Against a backdrop of daunting polarization, violent conflicts, rising authoritarianism, and mounting climate chaos, Mind & Life’s 2022 Summer Research Institute (SRI) engaged participants in an audacious inquiry: What is the role of the human mind in creating today’s divisions, and how can our minds transform to create a more connected world?   From June 6-10, …

The Dalai Lama – The Planet is our Home

In a video clip from 2011, the Dalai Lama responds to Mind & Life Fellow Dekila Chungyalpa about ecosystem conservation at the Mind & Life Dialogue on Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence. We shared this video in 2022 as part of our 35th anniversary celebration.