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Envisioning the Future of Contemplative Research – Grounded in an Ethics of Compassion
Upon arrival at Mind & Life’s “Envisioning the Future of Contemplative Research” conference on October 28-31, I was filled with a sense of not knowing, part nervous anticipation and part excitement. Not knowing the contour of the phenomenological experiences due to the boundless and ephemeral nature of our encounter. Not knowing the climate of the …
A Social Affair: How Meditation Benefits Ripple Through Romantic Relationships
“We are embedded in networks,” says researcher Christopher May of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. One important feature of social networks, he emphasizes, is that things diffuse throughout them: viruses, ideas, and even well-being. Relationships and communities can influence our behaviors and emotions, and can spark a ripple effect that reaches beyond the …
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Carolyn Parkinson—Creating a Shared Social World
A Meditation with Pir Zia Inayat-Khan
Living into a Story of Care and Compassion at Mind & Life’s 2024 Summer Research Institute
The Mind & Life Summer Research Institute (SRI) is a collective experience in which all members bring their individual experiences together to build a community. This personal reflection, from the 2024 SRI held June 2-8 at the Garrison Institute, is but one perspective of many. Because I am a visual thinker, this piece includes digital …
Why Dialogue Is More Important Than Ever
At a time of unprecedented complexity, deepening polarization, and rapid technological transformation, fostering genuine dialogue has never been more critical. One need only consider the ethical implications today of humanity’s vigorous pursuit of artificial intelligence with its vast potential contributions—and risks. Over 37 years, the Mind & Life Institute has created a model for dialogue …
4 Ways Mindfulness in Nature Can Help Us Heal Ourselves and the Earth
Increasingly, Mind & Life presenters, grantees, and partners are exploring the healing benefits of mindfulness in nature. Below are highlights from this growing area of inquiry. Practicing mindfulness in nature isn’t just about getting outside and experiencing the natural world; it’s about cultivating awareness of our interconnection by immersing ourselves and being fully present to …
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What We’re Learning from Contemplative Science on the Mind & Life Podcast
As the Mind & Life podcast reaches a major milestone with 1,000,000 downloads, I wanted to take a moment to share a few reflections about what I’ve been learning from the show. When we launched in April 2020, there were a lot of unknowns. We’d been preparing for months, and were excited to start sharing …
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Lessons from the Milpa: Exploring Indigenous Contemplative Practices for a More Sustainable and Connected Future
For millennia, Indigenous cultures in Mesoamerica have relied on an agricultural system known as the milpa. Milpa involves the growing of corn, beans, and squash, often with other crops and trees. Together, they enter into a harmonious, symbiotic relationship. Strong corn stems support climbing beans. Bean plants transform nitrogen from the atmosphere into soil nutrients. …