Facing the Climate Crisis through Connection, Community, and Compassion

The existential threat of climate change can be challenging to grasp and confront. To stay motivated and energized to face this threat, we must develop skills and take time for our own well-being. “We have to acknowledge that what happens to us internally affects what happens to our communities,” says climate activist Dekila Chungyalpa, “and …

Connection, Community, and Compassion: Resources for our Emotional Well-being

In honor of Earth Day 2022, Tricycle hosted the Buddhism and Ecology Summit, including a panel in partnership with the Mind & Life Institute. This hour-long conversation on “Connection, Community, and Compassion: Resources for our Emotional Well-being” features climate activist Dekila Chungyalpa, stress scientist Elissa Epel, Buddhist teacher Brother Chân Pháp Dung, and moderator Mind …

The Dalai Lama – The Planet is our Home

In a video clip from 2011, the Dalai Lama responds to Mind & Life Fellow Dekila Chungyalpa about ecosystem conservation at the Mind & Life Dialogue on Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence. We shared this video in 2022 as part of our 35th anniversary celebration.

Listening to Our Body’s Intelligence: Reflections from Mind & Life’s Summer Research Institute

Mind & Life periodically invites guest writers to contribute their perspectives and experiences on the blog as a way of deepening dialogue and understanding around key themes related to our mission. This post is adapted from a longer piece Megan published reflecting on her experience at our 2021 Summer Research Institute. “Storytellers have only three …

Merging mindfulness and climate change education

In light of the climate crisis, one of the biggest impediments to social action is changing individual mindsets towards greater human-earth connection, and sustainability practices. The “Bending the Curve” (BtC) Climate Change solutions curriculum has now been adopted at-scale across nine University of California campuses and also at the University of Stockholm, with over 1000 …

Documenting Mayan Milpa biocultural heritage through embodied ethnoecology

Milpa is a millennia-old agricultural polycrop system from Mesoamerica that continues to be widely used in México. Milpa includes maize, beans, and squash, often mixed with other crops. This agroecological system has many sustainable properties, including the ability to support large crop yields without requiring pesticides or fertilizers, even in nutrient poor soil. Lineage holders …