Anne Klein teaches Buddhism and Tibetan language at Rice University, where she is Professor of Religion. She is also co-founder of Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism in Houston, where she teaches traditional practices and texts as well as basic life-arts such as resting in awareness and kindness. Her passion is for understanding how knowing works, especially knowing our minds and bodies, and thereby gaining compassion for everyone who also lives with mind and body. Anne is the author of seven books, including Knowledge & Liberation, Meeting the Great Bliss Queen, and Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse: A Story of Transmission. She is also long-time Fellow at the Mind & Life Institute.

Anne was featured in the Mind & Life podcast episode The Wisdom of the Body.

This profile was last updated on January 29, 2021

Mind & Life Connections


Think Tanks

Establishing Contemplative Studies Programs: Practices, Priorities and Problems

Harold Roth, Anne Klein, Carolyn Jacobs, Mirabai Bush, John Dunne, Judith Simmer-Brown, David Germano

Topics: Education


2014 International Symposium for Contemplative Studies Session

Concurrent Session 3 – Being in the Body: Contemplative Practice, Interoceptive Awareness, and Health

Jennifer Daubenmeier, Norman Farb, Anne Klein, Wolf Mehling, Martin Paulus, Cynthia Price

Topics: Mindfulness | Self & Other