The Dalai Lama has long implored humans to move beyond conflict and wars, calling for the 21st century to be one of dialogue. Twenty-three years into the century, it’s clear we have a long way to go. Violent conflict continues to be a defining characteristic of our age. What’s more, the digital media landscape has …
Session 3 transcript now available In this session, we will explore the impact of trauma on individuals and how those with a history of trauma can build resilience. Our talk will focus on the role of culture in trauma and healing, as well as the influence of the media, our ancestors, and intergenerational trauma on …
Friday, June 9 1:00 pm Honolulu | 4:00 pm Los Angeles | 7:00 pm New York Join us for the launch of the new book, A Future We Can Love: How We Can Reverse the Climate Crisis with the Power of Our Hearts & Minds, by Susan Bauer-Wu, President of the Mind & Life …
Learn more from Sebene and other inspiring thinkers and teachers on the role of emotions in personal and collective flourishing and the Mind & Life Science and Wisdom of Emotions Summit on the Mind & Life blog.
Find more lessons from the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and 30+ renowned speakers shared during the Global Joy Summit on the Mind & Life blog. Register here for free access to a limited number of session recordings.
Humans spend at least two hours a night dreaming. That’s more than seven hundred hours a year, and six years spent dreaming in a lifetime. While we all have our own struggles and patterns of successful sleep, dreams are a unifying factor of humanity. Whether you’re riding the subway to work, standing in line for …
The beginning of a new year evokes a fresh start. The phrase “turning over a new leaf” dates back to the 16th century when the pages of books were called leaves. To turn over a new leaf was to turn to a new page. Collectively, I’d like to think of all of us as turning …
Most of us think of joy as something we’d like to experience more of, but could cultivating joy actually help change the world for the better? Could we learn to appreciate each other more? Build more vibrant communities? Love our planet more? The answer, according to presenters at the recent Global Joy Summit, was an …
Mind & Life periodically invites guest writers to contribute their perspectives and experiences on the blog as a way of deepening dialogue and understanding around key themes related to our mission. “We live through our mind and mental experiences, and to live well in this world is to have peace of mind,” said His Holiness …
Mind & Life periodically invites guest writers to contribute their perspectives and experiences on the blog as a way of deepening dialogue and understanding around key themes related to our mission. Thirty years ago, people who studied contemplative practices were often marginalized in their own academic departments. Informally, they sought out colleagues at other institutions. …