Andrea Haidar

Andrea Haidar is a PhD candidate in clinical psychology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She is also a licensed clinical social worker and certified yoga teacher. Her research interests include culturally acceptable and accessible care for racial and ethnic minority communities, stress and resilience, mindfulness-based interventions, and immigrant and refugee mental health. …

Quinn Conklin

Quinn Conklin (she/her) is a Post-doctoral Scholar at the UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain where she leads the Contemplative Coping During Covid-19 project. Quinn has been a member of the Saron lab since 2013, where completed her dissertation investigating the effects of a month-long, silent, residential, Insight Meditation retreat on biomarkers of stress, …

Lionel Newman

Lionel is a PhD student in the Cognitive Modeling research group at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, and received my master’s degree in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from the University of Amsterdam. His research contributes to the recent shift in social neuroscience away from investigatingsingle, isolated brains, and instead exploring brain, behavior, and …

Shin-Young Kim

Shin-Young Kim is a 2nd year clinical psychology Ph.D. student at the University of Rochester under the mentorship of Dr. Ron Rogge. She is interested in the mechanisms underlying mind-body interactions, particularly regarding contemplative meditations and interoceptive disturbances in emotional disorders. After receiving her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Sogang University, she received a Fulbright …

Polina Beloborodova

Polina is a PhD Candidate in Social Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University, working with Dr. Kirk Warren Brown at the Wellbeing Lab. Originally from Russia, she served as Research Assistant at the Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation Lab (Moscow, Russia), VIA institute on Character (Cincinnati, Ohio), and Decision Neuroscience Lab (Richmond, Virginia). Polina’s research …

Erika Diaz-Almeyda

Erika Díaz-Almeyda, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies at New College of Florida. She holds a Ph.D. in Biology at The Pennsylvania State University focusing on understanding the thermal acclimation of microbial symbionts of corals. She did a postdoctoral fellowship focusing on host microbe interactions in agricultural settings at Emory University. …

Jyoti Mishra

Dr. Jyoti Mishra is a cognitive and computational neuroscientist, with expertise in studies of attention, learning and brain plasticity, as well as digital health therapeutics. She is the founder and director of the Neural Engineering and Translational Labs (NEATLabs) and is an Associate Professor in the department of Psychiatry at UC San Diego. NEATLabs innovates …

Dennis Muñoz Vergara

Dennis Muñoz Vergara, DVM, MS, MPH is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and a mind-body movement therapies (MBMT) researcher. He is also a yoga instructor, a practice he has cultivated since he was pursuing a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree specializing in Animal Pathology in southern Chile. In 2016, he pursued a postdoctoral opportunity at Harvard Medical …

Lindsay Romano

Lindsay Romano (she/her) is a third year PhD student at New York University. She studies how mindfulness- and compassion-based practices can be used as tools for social justice in education. Her work explores how the cultivation of cognitive and emotional capacities in educators (e.g., attention regulation, mindfulness, compassion) can influence positive social change in the …

Shufang Sun

Dr. Shufang Sun is an Assistant Professor at Brown University School of Public Health. Her research focuses on addressing minority stress and mental health among marginalized communities through innovative, evidence-based methods, particularly via mHealth and mindfulness. Specific to mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), her work has primarily focused on using systematic review and meta-analytic methods to understand …