The Tibetan Sound Meditation is based on ancient texts and teachings from the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition as taught by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (Tibetan Sounds Healing, SoundsTrue, 2006). Parts of this practice have been used at MD Anderson dating back to 1999. In 2008, a small randomized clinical trial using the Tibetan Sound Meditation program for women with breast cancer experiencing cognitive dysfunction was conducted. Findings from this trial, which included improved short memory and cognitive speed function, were published in PsychoOncology journal in 2013. Open to all levels.

Alejandro Chaoul, PhD
Founding Director of the Jung Center’s Mind Body Spirit Institute
Convening Faculty, Fellow, Reviewer
Alejandro “Ale” Chaoul is a scholar, researcher, author, teacher, and educator, with a Ph.D from Rice University focusing on Tibetan mind-body practices and applications in contemporary health environments. For over … MORE