We have arrived at a moment where the world’s circumstances can no longer afford the luxury of ignoring the inner life of the leader. Operating in contexts of accelerating speed and complexity, leaders are pressured to make more and faster decisions with ever-narrower margins of error and greater repercussions. With these come intellectual, emotional, perceptual and physiological challenges that compel deliberate inner development. Forward-thinking leaders have recognized the need to intentionally grow their internal capacities and competencies. The abilities to hone clarity of perception, manage emotional reactions, and see and step out of cognitive biases are increasingly seen as necessary for thriving in challenging conditions. These skills help leaders to produce effective results and to maintain their humanity in the process. Contemplative practices, especially those that emphasize awareness in action, can play an essential role in helping leaders to act in generative ways. Drawing on over a decade of experience working with executives, the talk will explore the practical methodology created to help leaders develop themselves, illustrated with actual cases. The tools are rooted in the work of management and social philosopher Peter F. Drucker and psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, among others.

Jeremy Hunter, PhD
Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management
Jeremy Hunter, PhD, is the great-grandson of a sumo wrestler as well as Associate Professor of Practice at the Peter F. Drucker School of Management. Over a decade ago, he … MORE