Wangũi wa Kamonji is a regeneration practitioner who researches and translates indigenous Afrikan knowledges into experiential processes, art and honey. Her work is motivated by the twin challenge of healing and generating new realities for the present and future. Informed by research using academic and indigenous methods; storytelling in written and oral forms; traditional Afrikan dance and movement practice; and facilitating spaces for critical consciousness and transformation, Wangũi seeks to provide rooted embodied tools for Afrikans to heal the colonial traumas of past and present, and (re)create ways to live regeneratively with themselves, Earth and ancestors again i.e., for us to decolonise and reindigenise. Her work involves ancestral connection, dance choreographed dance, improvisational movement, ancestral song, ritual design, indigenous food, oral storytelling, written poetry, fiction and non-fiction essays, collective creativity, processwork, and nervous system regulation with the Resilience Toolkit™. Wangũi is based in Ongata Rongai, East Afrika and online @_fromtheroots.