Peggy’s joyful spirit enables her students to discover and embody their most creative and authentic selves. She offers a path of deep insight through methods such as movement, writing, art and ritual.

Peggy has her EdD in Adult Education and her M.A. in Counseling Psychology and co-author with her husband, Larry, of Love’s Garden: A Guide To Mindful Relationships. She has taught in graduate schools of social work, psychology and counseling psychology. Her Doctoral research is in dreamwork. She has had a private therapy practice for many years and now offers consultations with a spiritual direction focus.

This profile was last updated on December 1, 2023

Mind & Life Connections


Mind & Life Videos

Larry Ward and Peggy Rowe-Ward—A Compassion Meditation

Mind and Life Institute • July 12, 2024

Topics: Body-based Practices | Compassion & Empathy