Jessica Morey is the executive director, lead teacher and cofounder of Inward Bound Mindfulness Education (iBme), a nonprofit organization that offers mindfulness meditation retreats for teens, young adults and parents and professionals who work with teens. She has been leading retreats for ten years through iBme and with Against the Stream and Insight communities for the past five years. She began practicing meditation over two decades ago on teen retreats offered by the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) and then participated in the IMS young adult mentoring group for ten years. She is currently part of the IMS teacher training. She and the work of iBme were recently featured on the December 2016 cover of
“Mindful Magazine” and she was interviewed on Dan Harris’ podcast “10% Happier” about her lifelong meditation practice and work with youth. Before joining iBme, she worked in clean energy and climate policy and finance. She holds a BA in Environmental Engineering from Dartmouth College and a master’s degrees in Sustainable Development and International Affairs. Her published works range from the chapter “Ordinary Awakening” in “Blue Jean Buddha” to “Conflict Resolution of the Boruca Hydro-Energy Project: Renewable Energy Production in Costa Rica.” She wrote about the relationship between her climate policy work and Buddhism in “Bodhi Trees,” a review in “Shambhala Sun.”