Destructive Emotions

Destructive Emotions

This Dialogue explores a perennial human predicament: the nature and destructive potential of “negative” emotions; for example, when jealousy turns into murderous rage. The Buddhist tradition has long pointed out that recognizing and transforming negative emotions lies at the heart of spiritual practice. From the perspective of science, these same emotional states pose a perplexing challenge. These are brain responses that have shaped the human mind and presumably played a key role in human survival but now, in modern life, they pose grave dangers to our individual and collective fate. In examining the nature of emotions and when they become “destructive,” distinctive answers come from Buddhist and Western philosophy. From the perspective of affective neuroscience and evolutionary theory, the destructive emotions are seen within the wider context of the full human range, such as maternal love, pleasure seeking, and defense — functions that have shaped the neural architecture that now forms the basis of our emotional repertoire.

Dialogue Sessions

What Do We Mean by ‘Destructive’ Emotions? (Part One)

This philosophical dialogue between Western and Buddhist perspectives examines when negative emotions become ‘destructive’ -that is, do harm. The discussion should surface implicit cultural differences-and points of agreements-in the most basic assumptions underlying our exploration.

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What Do We Mean by ‘Destructive’ Emotions? (Part Two)

This philosophical dialogue investigates the transformation of negative emotions into ‘destructive’ forces, examining both Western and Buddhist perspectives. The Western view encompasses historical concerns in moral philosophy, spanning spiritual exercises for moral enhancement and addressing the biological dimension of emotions, while the Buddhist stance, rooted in phenomenology, identifies ‘Klesha’ as ‘mental affliction,’ attributing destructive emotions to obscurations that can be eliminated for lasting freedom or Nirvana.

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The Universality of Emotion (Part One)

This presentation sets out a scientific framework for understanding emotions based in both fact and theory. Dr. Ekman first shares scientific findings on facial expressions and a universal grounding of emotions, the differences between voluntary and involuntary emotional expression, and the cues that indicate lying or truthfulness. His Holiness the Dalai and Dr. Ekman then dialogue about the emergent nature of emotions and our momentary experiences of them, continuing into a discussion of the varieties of human emotion and the nature of compassion.

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The Universality of Emotion (Part Two)

This presentation sets out a scientific framework for understanding emotions based in both fact and theory. Dr. Ekman first shares scientific findings on facial expressions and a universal grounding of emotions, the differences between voluntary and involuntary emotional expression, and the cues that indicate lying or truthfulness. His Holiness the Dalai and Dr. Ekman then dialogue about the emergent nature of emotions and our momentary experiences of them, continuing into a discussion of the varieties of human emotion and the nature of compassion.

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The Universality of Emotion (Part Three)

This presentation sets out a scientific framework for understanding emotions based in both fact and theory. Dr. Ekman first shares scientific findings on facial expressions and a universal grounding of emotions, the differences between voluntary and involuntary emotional expression, and the cues that indicate lying or truthfulness. His Holiness the Dalai and Dr. Ekman then dialogue about the emergent nature of emotions and our momentary experiences of them, continuing into a discussion of the varieties of human emotion and the nature of compassion.

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The Psychobiology of Destructive Emotions (Part One)

Emotions become destructive when normal neural systems for essential behavior go to extremes, compelling us to react in inappropriate, harmful ways. To understand why this happens so easily in modern life, we examine first the impact that the role of emotions as a survival mechanism in evolution has had on our neural architecture.

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The Psychobiology of Destructive Emotions (Part Two)

From the Buddhist perspective, and given the neurological insights, we revisit the question of the boundary between the utility of negative emotions and their destructive nature.

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The Psychobiology of Destructive Emotions (Part Three)

From the Buddhist perspective, and given the neurological insights, we revisit the question of the boundary between the utility of negative emotions and their destructive nature.

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Cultural and Developmental Neuroplasticity (Part One)

The neural circuitry that governs emotional life is among the last part of the brain to become anatomically mature, and repeated experiences are among the stronger forces that sculpt the developing brain-as evidence from in cross-cultural and child development studies shows.

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Cultural and Developmental Neuroplasticity (Part Two)

The neural circuitry that governs emotional life is among the last part of the brain to become anatomically mature, and repeated experiences are among the stronger forces that sculpt the developing brain-as evidence from in cross-cultural and child development studies shows.

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Neuroplasticity and a Possible Agenda for an Experiential Neuroscience

This meeting underscores the plasticity in brain and mental function that exists throughout life, and the potential role of practices designed for change in actually producing beneficial changes.

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Honorary Board Chair
  • His Holiness the Dalai Lama
  • Thupten Jinpa
  • B. Alan Wallace
  • Francisco Varela
  • Richard Davidson
  • Jeanne Tsai
  • Paul Ekman
  • Owen Flanagan
  • Mark Greenberg
  • Matthieu Ricard
  • B. Alan Wallace